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National Public Health Week - Emergency Preparedness

4/5/2024 12:00:00 AM

National Public Health Week - Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness 

Unexpected events such as power outages and natural disasters like earthquakes and hurricanes can happen without a moment’s notice. That is why being ready for emergencies is crucial. Emergency preparedness is exactly what it sounds like; it involves planning, having supplies on hand and knowing how to stay safe during an emergency. Being ready for crises before they happen can not only protect you and your loved ones but also underserved communities where disasters can worsen inequities.

Who can make a difference with emergency preparedness? YOU

Build an emergency supply kit. Being prepared means stocking up on supplies. An emergency supply kit is a collection of tools that can help in the event of an emergency. Kit supplies can include flashlights, nonperishable food, extra clothes, a first aid kit and personal hygiene items. You also should have a gallon of water per person/pet per day, for three days, if possible.

Have a plan. Create an emergency plan with your family, friends or household. Designate a meeting spot where you all can gather in case you’re separated during an emergency. Learn your local emergency alerts and warnings. Practice emergency drills and memorize evacuation routes.

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Category Reno County